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A Month In London

Having the opportunity to spend the start of 2017 in London while I was interning for a documentary company was an offer I COULD NOT refuse. As soon as I had saved enough money (and worked my ass off), I decided it was time to make preparations. I rented a house for a month, booked my tickets, and made a list of things I needed to pack to survive the month.

It was exciting and something I could finally cross off my bucket list.

Photo taken by me: I walked in the pouring rain during my dinner break to get this photo. I never realised how close I worked to the London Bridge

Upon arrival, every day was an adventure. (That line sounds so cliche, but it is so true!). I was surprised at how quickly I had managed to get the hang of the tube system. I got cocky after spending a week there and no longer opened my maps whenever getting on the tube or catching a bus. Then one evening after work, I was too engrossed in the book that I was reading (Gone Girl) to realise that I had missed my stop an hour ago. I guess that is what happens when you get cocky. I didn't get home that day until 9:23pm.

I spent the first few days after work admiring the big buildings. I took photo after photo and each landmark excited me more than the previous one. Seeing London Bridge was something that I was starstruck about. (I may have been- or am- a HUGE One Direction fan, and seeing the bridge where they filmed Midnight Memories was a thrilling moment).

Photo taken by me

I worked in Southwark and had the beautiful view of the Shard every evening I walked to the tube station. I thought I would get bored of looking at it every weekday, but each day I saw it, I walked with a little smile on my face. I had the opportunity to see the BBC Broadcasting house and got a tour of the studios on the same day ED SHEERAN was promoting his new singles (which I am currently obsessed with). Towards the end of the month, I went to Global Radio which was also a fantastic experience.

While my trip was adventurous and exciting, some lows did hit me from time to time. The travel began getting menial. Having to wait 20 minutes to get onto the tube during rush hour became tiring. Having to wait another 40 minutes to get onto the bus home made me irritable. But it was a part of the adventure of living in London. I mean, no one said it would be easy, but I finally understood why commuters never smiled whilst travelling to and from work.

My best friend came to see me for a weekend and the company was nice considering I hadn't seen her through the Christmas holidays. (We met in university and she lives in the Isle of Man). We spent the extended weekend doing the usual 'touristy' things. We went to the Science Museum (which she loved, me not so much) and ended up in a cute restaurant by the end of the Saturday night. It was horrible having to say goodbye to her again but I was thankful she spent time (and money) to come see me.

I spoke to my parents almost every single day, and hearing their voices was a comfort in a city I barely knew anyone. I was living with two lovely couples who always asked me how my day was and hosted movie nights on occasion. We would light the fire, put our feet up and watch a tasteless romcom as we ate and drank. The company was comforting and it felt like the first year of university all over again; meeting the people you live with and exchanging stories as you got to know each other.

It took a while to get used to the 10-6 work days, but I had to keep reminding myself that this is what it feels like to be an adult. I may as well grasp this taster to an adult life with both hands because there are no courses to take that prepares you for that. While the whole experience was overwhelming at first, I have to admit that I CAN NOT think of a better way to start 2017.

My last day in London is the 31st of January and saying goodbye will be hard. However, I cannot wait to go home and see my friends and family again and (finally) get a move on with my dissertation.

Stay lovely .x

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