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Captain Marvel - An Overview & Glossary

Captain Marvel

Oh, well hello there. My blog has been stagnant for the past few months and I have no excuse other than my lazy ass just couldn't be bothered writing. But hey-ho, Captain Marvel is out which means it's time to dust off the old keyboard and get typin'.

FYI, at this point, I'll be chucking in a lot of [what sounds like] made up words, so feel free to scroll to the bottom for a quick glossary.

In short, Captain Marvel is the first female led superhero film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's basically two hours of a badass woman kicking some alien ass to help the *Skrull. Captain Marvel - or Carol Danvers - or Vers - played by the lovely Brie Larson - has had her past somewhat 'wiped' from her memories and she has always struggled with her identity. She was told that she would need to restrain her powers in order to be a good warrior for the *Kree. There's an ongoing war between the Skrull-Kree and when Danvers finds herself on planet *C-53, she realises she's been fighting for the wrong side.

She makes an unlikely friend in the form of Nick Fury [played by Samuel L. Jackson] which explains why he would reach out to her in THAT end credit scene in Infinity War. Let's not forget you get to see how Fury lost his eye and what inspired to call the Avengers, Avengers. Not to mention you get to see just how powerful Captain Marvel can be when she's not fighting with one hand tied behind her back. Metaphorically speaking.

Basically, the film is set 6 years after Danvers acquires her powers. Her mentor Yon-Rogg [played by Jude Law] plays good cop bad cop. Whilst you start to believe he's a good 'un, he surprises you during a very important flashback [I'm trying to withhold spoilers]. After a mission gone wrong and Danvers finds herself on planet C-53, she finally comes to terms with just how powerful she is, how to control her power and comes face to face with her old best friend and her daughter.

You're curious to know how she got her powers you say? You'll just have to watch the film to find out! Unfortunately, I'm going to have to hold back any further spoilers! And if that isn't enough motivation to watch it, WATCH IT FOR THAT END CREDIT SCENE! YOU WON'T REGRET IT.

I enjoyed watching the film - Nick Fury getting all cute and smushy with a cat was adorable and his one liners added an element of humour to the film [as all Marvel films tend to do] and I loved all those 90's references [yaaaay, Blockbuster!], not to mention the CGI was phen-om-enal. Although, I really wish the cat - Goose - got a little more screen time to explain what a *'Flerken' is for those who are not aware of the creatures. Oh, and I wish Ronan the Accuser [played by Lee Pace] got a little more screen time too!

Although Captain Marvel is set years before, you may remember him in Guardians of the Galaxy.

I can't write about Captain Marvel and not mention Stan Lee. The film pays a heartwarming homage to the late Stan Lee during the opening credits and later, when he cameos in the movie. Honestly, my heart swelled. RIP Stan Lee, your legacy lives on through these extraordinary characters.

Stay lovely.x


Skrull - Fictional race. They are shape shifters and can take the form of anyone they see. The prominent member of the Skrull race mentioned in Captain Marvel is Talos. He adds a lot of humour to the film and quickly became one of my favourites!

Kree - Fictional race. They are an advanced militaristic alien race. Native to the planet Hala. Captain Marvel is a Kree hybrid and she has her mentors - Yon-Rogg - blood running through her veins. Ronan the Accuser is also Kree.

C-53 - Just another name for our lovely planet, Earth. Although, the Kree do describe it as a shithole.

Flerken - Alien creatures that resemble cats. However, their mouths contain pocket dimensions

A/N: All rights of the image used go to the original owner.


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