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The Harry Potter Studio Tour: Featuring Brand-New Gringotts Set!

Harry Potter Studios - Warner Bros. Studio Tour

I've been a HUGE Harry Potter fan since my Year 1 teacher read Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone to us in class. Since then, I've been following the releases of the books as well as the films. I remember reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in two days when I was 10 years old. I was obsessed with Harry Potter as a character and I fell in love with the likes of Dobby and Hagrid and Sirius Black.

Even now, when I read the books or watch the films, I still laugh and cry and feel all the emotions I felt the first time around. I still can't believe it took me 18 years since reading the first book to get my ass over to the Harry Potter Studios in Watford. We'd finally booked tickets for my birthday month and decided to spend the week in London, enjoying the tour, the tourist sites, the food and the theatre. I was ecstatic when Warner Bros studio announced they would be opening a BRAND-NEW set and it was none other than Gringotts. I was grateful the opening was a couple of weeks before we had booked, giving us a chance to experience the new opening.

For any fans out there that still haven't done the tour - I highly recommend it. I had to hold back tears at least 10 times during the tour. It's surreal, seeing the way each set was designed, seeing the costumes and how characters are brought to life. It was incredible being in the same room as the props included in the films. It felt like I had finally gotten my letter to Hogwarts and I was walking through Diagon Alley, getting my wand from Ollivander's or falling in love with my pet owl from Eeylops Owl Emporium. Seeing the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes shop was incredible too - and I had to hold back a tear when I thought about Fred.

There's a snack break half way through the tour - the perfect opportunity to grab yourself a butterbeer. Whilst it was a little pricey, it's definitely worth it for the experience. You get the chance to board the Hogwarts express, or attempt to shout 'up' in flying lesson to get a hold of your broomstick! The forbidden Forest is magical, with centaurs and Aragog and his family. Gringotts was without a doubt, absolutely stunning. The chandeliers hanging over our heads had my jaw dropping at the intricate design. You could see the amount of work that went into creating it. Seeing Bellatrix's vault and the vault of the Philosophers Stone had me feeling like I was about to go to my own vault in Gringotts. There's also an incredible bit with the dragon in Gringotts!

The best was definitely saved for last. The castle stands in a beautiful blue glow and you stand there looking at it in awe. Because as kids, even as adults, we still picture getting our Hogwarts letter to attend this extraordinary school. We spent a lot of time in this section, taking in all the angles of the castle, appreciating the amount of work that had gone into making a replica of the castle.

Here are some of my pictures from the experience! Have you ever been to the studio tour or plan on going?

Stay lovely x.

P.S - I finally had the opportunity to stick my middle finger in the air at Umbridge.


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