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The Final Stage of University

Like most of you, I am close to completing university. What's even better (for me that is) is that after this, I HAVE OFFICIALLY COMPLETED MY THREE YEARS. For any first or second years out there reading this: IT DOES NOT GET EASIER.


I'm sorry for bursting the little bubble of hope but seriously, it doesn't. I had less deadlines this year and somehow managed to have twice as many breakdowns than I did last year.

All I can say is don't make the mistake of leaving important deadlines (like your dissertation) until the last minute. Don't leave your portfolio until the last minute. I had two days to create mine, and almost burst into tears when I found out I had to write up a reflection for the portfolio 10 hours before the due time.

BUT I can finally say that I have (almost) made it. I find myself wondering what to do with the rest of my day now that I no longer have to spend back to back days and nights in the library, munching on a shitty (and overpriced) sandwich from the student shop.

The good news is, I can finally focus on how there are ZERO jobs in the field I want to work in, how all the best jobs are in London but I don't want to sell an arm or a leg to live there and how I really REALLY don't want the whole university experience to end.

Stay lovely x.

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