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Death Day on Repeat

*Contains spoilers*

My brain seems to be at a standstill and I can’t think of a better title than this one, sorry! My creative juices just aren’t flowing today. Anyhoooo, I thought I would struggle sitting through the same scenario for 96 minutes, but I managed to do it for ‘Naked’, and considering I’m not a huge comedy fan, I thought the whole repetition thing in Naked was pretty dope (yup, I used dope in a sentence). Happy Death Day is a thriller and thrillers are right up my street.

(I’m going a little off track here but who cares) I had my first week off work and honestly, I was so scared! I hate falling out of routine, and you can imagine how pissed off I was waking up every day at 6:30 in the morning, even though I didn’t have to go in to work. It was worth it though, spending the entire week with my family and friends. You don’t realise how much you miss the crazy until you enter it again. I had casually (sublimely saying I wanted to see it) Happy Death Day to Hannah and (thankfully) she said she’s been wanting to see it too!

*I saw it again with my sister, Ayesha.

So, for anyone not familiar with the way the film pans out, here’s a little summary. She wakes up, lives out her day and then gets murdered. Oh, it’s also her birthday. Each time she wakes up (her name is Tree, yup, Tree), she naturally freaks out and attempts to change something, but she still ends up dying. My favourite death is when she gets blown up in the police car.

Tree wakes up in Carters bedroom every time, a boy she had met during a party. They create a bond, or you know, she creates a bond. For him it’s always the same day. During one of her ‘deaths’, she explains her situation to Carter who tells her to create a suspect list because she has an ‘unlimited amount of chances to find her killer’ and that’s what she does. However, we later find out that every time she dies, it makes her weaker.

On the list, she has Tim (a guy she went on one date with), Gregory (her tutor she’s having an affair with), Gregory’s wife (I don’t really need to explain why), Danielle (her frat sister and Tree stole her man in freshman year), and someone else who was so irrelevant that I’ve forgotten her name. Each time she dies, she sees the person on her list doing something else and that’s how she deducts her suspects.

Now, when I watched the first death, I had my suspicions on who it could be. I thought maybe it was Carter, but that was later distinguished in the first death with how nervous he was seeing Tree again (it’s hella cute) and he was waaaaay too innocent. I thought it may be her roommate Lori, everything about her was off and she had the most screen time with Tree in the first death. She later turned out to be the killer, and do you know why she wanted to kill Tree? OVER A GUY!!! Now that’s psycho to a whole new level!

[I love how I just casually dropped the biggest spoiler in the film in the paragraph above like it’s no big deal]

Before Lori is outed as the person killing Tree, there’s a whole scene of her being killed by a mass murderer. Turns out Lori had drugged him and aided in his escape to make it look like he was the killer and not her. It would’ve been a pretty decent plan if the whole repetition thing wasn’t going on. Oh, and there was this super cute part when the mass murderer (John Tombs) kills Carter. It wasn’t cute that he died, but Tree was close to escaping but she didn’t want to lose him. She hung herself to restart the day just to make sure Carter stayed alive. I thought that was really sweet!!!! #TrueLove

I enjoyed the film, both Hannah and I had a massive debate about it on the way home and via text and I would definitely recommend you watch it if you haven’t already. However, after watching it a second time, I realised how irrelevant the whole ‘John Tombs the mass murderer is the killer’. It just didn’t fit with the rest of the story and I felt it was added to extend the film.

It’s hard to make something repeated stay interesting so I don’t blame the additional scenes with the supposed killer, but I think I would’ve preferred it shorter with the right killer. I did like how it all linked back to the cupcake that Lori made. [I’d give more info on this but I’ve already said a major spoiler].

And this is where I’m going to leave it. I had half of this written over a week ago, but lazy me forgot to finish it off and personally, I feel like this entire piece is just a load of crap so I’m going to apologise if you’ve reached the end.

Stay lovely x.

A/N: All rights of the images used in this blog post go to the original owners.

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