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10 Reasons Why You Should Watch Avengers: Infinity War

I want to start off by saying THERE ARE NO SPOILERS IN THIS BLOG POST! Thanos has demanded my silence on the film and I plan on keeping spoilers away from those who want to and don't want to watch the film [promises are very serious stuff].

Instead of a blog review, I thought I would list 10 reasons why you should watch the latest Marvel instalment.Some pointers have some questions accompanied simply to get y'all thinking about [and most importantly wanting to watch] the movie.

1. Superheroes unite

Unlike Captain America: Civil War where there was a divide which honestly broke all our hearts, we finally see the Avengers assemble. This is the first time when those outside of the current Avengers circle and inside the circle unite. They all come together in more ways than one to beat the looming threat that comes in the form of Thanos. Do Tony and Steve kiss and make up? Does someone die?

2. When in Wakanda

Yes, all you Black Panther fans! We return to Wakanda where the incredible end fight scene plays out. Naturally, we get to see our favourites: Shuri, Okoye and M'Baku. We also get to see the main female protagonists come together to fight, and damnnnnnnnnnnn can they fight. Okeye's sly eye rolls and one liners continued to impress everyone watching. Unfortunately, there wasn't a wig removing fight scene.

3. Spider-Man standing on his own legs!

YES! MORE SPIDER-MAN!!! I feel like we're being spoilt, but damn did casting do a good job picking Tom Holland. Words can't express how much I love this guy. Spider-Man sports a new suit and he adds some much needed whimsical humour. His relationship with Tony will always be a favourite for many as we see him grow into the friendly neighbourhood superhero we all know and deserve. Does he make it into space? Does he get to fight Thanos?

4. One eyed Thor

Because even though he's cut off those luscious blonde locks and he's fashioning the pirate look, he's still so very damn beautiful. There's also SO MANY hilarious and heartfelt scenes with this guy. He is definitely the scene stealer in both Space and Wakanda. There's also something new waiting to be made for [or by] him..

5. It's comedy gold

The amount of times everyone in the Everyman cinema room howled out laughing was amazing. The one thing the writers can do well is add some much needed humour in scenes that are action packed or serious.

6. Thanos from planet Titan

Even though he's this rogue, mad Titan with a dream to destroy worlds and start over, there's a part of him that has feelings. The way you feel about him will change throughout the film. You might even find yourself shedding a tear for him...

7. The Infinity Stones

I think it's safe to say from the Avengers: Infinity War poster that Thanos manages to get his hands on a couple of Infinity Stones. The question is, does he manage to get a hold of all of them? Does he find the soul stone? Is Vision okay? We do finally get a mention of all the stones and the Avengers are finally aware of the power it can wield and what can happen if Thanos gets his hands on all of them.

8. Unlikely characters who play big roles

Within the first 5 minutes of the film, an unlikely character shows a side to them that will devastate you for the next 5 minutes. There's also a character who knows the whereabouts of the soul stone. Another character that can destroy an infinity stone and so on. Their unlikeliness to have such big impacts makes the film all the more interesting to watch.

9. Sending... Sending... Who are you texting?

Albeit, it's not a part of the main body of the film, this short scene paves the way for the next Avengers film. Who is the text to? Who will be coming to save everyone? Does everyone need saving? Guess you'll have to watch to find out! Who sent the text? What's coming for part two?

10. The final scene in the film.

I don't want to give anything away, but this scene is one you expect but at the same time, don't expect, because of the way it has been played out. Does that make sense? With the click of a finger, things go from almost serene to complete chaos and it leaves everyone wondering why the fuck we have to wait another fucking year for the next film.

I feel like I need to give special mentions to a few of the cast members but I can't do so without giving anything away. Also, hats off to the Russo Brothers for putting such an ambitious crossover together and managing to execute it well. I also love the whole secrecy element where even the cast members know fuck all about what is going to happen. I was so grateful when I got midnight premiere tickets to see this film as a birthday present and best believe I'll be going again tomorrow [Sunday] to watch it with my brothers.

In the mean time, don't forget, Thanos demands your silence.

Stay lovely x.

A/N: All image rights go to original owners

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