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Why Incredibles 2 is an incredible disappointment

*No spoilers*

This is probably an unpopular opinion and I'm ready for the backlash, but seriously. The majority of us have been waiting for 14 YEARS for another instalment and all they could produce was a long winded, barely there action film that doesn't really have that much action in it. Albeit, it is lively. It is funny and I really loved seeing the kids in action.

Believe me when I say I tried to enjoy the film, I really did. Understandably, this is a kids film for a younger audience and if I was my 8 year old self watching the second instalment, I might have enjoyed it but there isn't any good reason to make me want to watch it again.

Maybe it was the fact that the storyline is more aimed at an older audience, I don't know. I mean, it's great to see social and family issues being addressed, but is a film targeted at children the right place to portray these issues? I understand working and childcare is a HUGE issue in many families, and the controversy of what goes on the internet and who sees the content and whether it's 'brain washing' us is an ongoing discussion, but I feel like the appeal to an older audience took out the magic for the younger audience and that really is sad. I mean, is there anything wrong with something just being fun for once or am I asking for too much?

I personally feel like it was too many topics coming under one roof and it wasn't executed as well as it could have been. If they had just focused on the whole parent working, parent staying home thing, I think it could have been a little bit more tolerable. I would've loved to see Bob grow closer to his kids, create a bond with them while Helen was the breadwinner. I think that alone is more powerful than all the other crap they put into the film.

Plus, I just couldn't- I mean I literally COULD NOT tolerate listening to Elastigirl for the majority of the film. I MEAN SERIOUSLY, HAS SHE ALWAYS SOUNDED THAT ANNOYING? Her voice alone manages to give me shivers, and not in a good way.

Rant aside, there were some good parts. Edna continues to make me laugh as she creates a bond with Jack Jack.

Jack Jack is just SO FREAKING CUTE and I loved the whole baby - emotion - powers situation, because KIDS ARE SO UNPREDICTABLE.

Frozone is still the badass, hilarious superhero we all need in the world.

What did you think of the second incredibles instalment?

Stay lovely .x


A/N: All credit to images used go to the original owner.

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